FX Guru : Unlock all effects for free

FX Guru is an awesome android application for effects like movie in your android phone ....you can amaze your friends,family and also girlfriend ;).Here are some of them

★ A huge assortment of visual FX from explosive action scenes to heart-pounding horror and sci-fi
★ Proprietary MotionMatch™ technology lets you add realistic movement while filming
★ Effects that last over ten seconds give you time for enhanced creativity
★ Virtual Decals provide guidance for each effect to align your shots seamlessly
★ 24 Cinematic filters available to enhance the atmosphere of any scene 
★ HD Recording now available for all purchased effects

credits : Google playstore

As always every free app you have limited use of it so to use

it fully you have to just buy it and you'll get all nice effects 

after you bought it .... But when i am here never fear so lets 

get started . 

Stuff you'll need : 

fx guru setup .... Download from here 

Market Unlocker & Freedom.apk both are contained in rar file ....... Download from here .

If your antivirus says its a threat please don't panic .The cracking process made it so.the file is clean and can used . Antivirus companies just hate piracy .
There will be adfly link .Wait for 5 seconds and click on "skip ad " 

 Everything is world is not free .so please understand and support us 

Steps : 

1.Install fxguru 1.0.4 (do not open)

2. Install Market Unlocker

3. Install Freedom

4. Open Market Unlocker,click to enable unlocker and 

chose market Russian (MTS)

5. Open Freedom and patch fxguru 1.0.4

6. Open Fxguru 1.0.4 and download all effects

7. In freedom chose stop

8. Restore the google play in market unlocker

9. Update Fxguru in google playstore

10. Enjoy all efects work now

If you face any problem please comment below ...If you are 

satisfied then like my fb page .
FX Guru : Unlock all effects for free FX Guru : Unlock all effects for free Reviewed by Makarand Bhale on 05:46 Rating: 5


  1. oh the device should be rooted ...

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      Fx Guru : Unlock All Effects For - Mack Hacker >>>>> Download LINK

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  2. Can , but when in the purchasing process is long , so it can not be downloaded

  3. i have error message and i can't effort any effect

  4. i have error message and i can't effort any effect

  5. Freedom app cn't be opened.

    1. You have to root ur device in order to use freedom

    2. You have to root ur device in order to use freedom

    3. device is rooted but freedom won't launch

  6. Yes I do all that thinks but it say error. .. so what can ido help please

  7. I do all steps but I can't unlock the effects

  8. Replies
    1. That doesen't work anymore then he said an error had aquierd or showed up

  9. And also i use lucky putcher and I have error message. .. please I need help .. help me please

  10. Please solution! ! ?
    I need help

  11. what is freedom and how to download it

  12. can any one help me give me code unlock for fxguru

    i have just one this is samsung this code for spidersrobots

    adde me in facebook kechroud.walid@gmail.com

  13. its works for me

  14. THANKS ... its working good job..

  15. Not working plzz Update the post with new trick

  16. when I try to download effect it says: Error (Marmalade v6.1.2 [330777]) Exception occurred in: runOnOSSignal.

    help please

  17. There are only the effects of v1.0.4 but not all 82

  18. Its not working it says: Error (Marmalade v6.1.2 [330777]) Exception occurred in: runOnOSSignal.What the hell if you are not replying thanks for wasting our time

  19. FX Guru 82 Gold Pack Data File Free >>>>http://adf.ly/1cYyGY

  20. Hey guys,wanna root your phone,then why are you waiting for download kingo root from the google chrome,then open it then click one click root

  21. Hey guys,wanna root your phone,then why are you waiting for download kingo root from the google chrome,then open it then click one click root

  22. Hey guys,wanna root your phone,then why are you waiting for download kingo root from the google chrome,then open it then click one click root

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